Friday, September 11, 2015

Jesus is Our Victory!!

In  the word of God we read that when the enemy comes in  like a flood the Lord will raise up a standard against him.  I believe that standard is Jesus Christ.  He also gives us strategies, or weapons if you prefer,  to win our battles; so I ask the Lord how to pray or what He wants me to do whenever a new spiritual battle arises.  We know that we have authority in the spirit realm but authority without a strategy or plan of action will be less than effective.  In Joshua's day the Lord gave him the strategy of The Jericho March and it produced incredible results.  If you read the OT you will find that God never gave the same strategy twice even if it produced the same result.  Moses struck a rock for water once and then was supposed to speak to the second one but struck it, God still gave the water so His people wouldn't die of thirst but because Moses was disobedient to God's instructions he lost out on  entering the promise land.
We all have  battles today and God has the answer for each one of them.  We see books telling us how to overcome this and that and 10 steps to this or 4 keys for that, and though these books are excellent and provide principles  and information, seldom do they produce what we need because those things were God's strategies for that person to win  their battle.  It is important to develop and maintain a close relationship with God and to talk  with Him about all things.  He has a plan for victory in every area of your life you just need to check in with Him to find out what it is.  I don't remember the man's name but he has the largest church in the world and when people ask him how he did it his answer is "Pray & Obey".   He has relationship with the Father and asks what to do and God tells him and he in turn obeys what God gave him.
The point to all of this is that you can win every battle if you will check in  with the Captain of the Host.  He fights our battles for us so we need to check in and find out what our part is.  If we will obey and fight through the onslaught of the enemy trying to convince us to give up and whatever else he throws at our thoughts, we will win!!!
Jesus is our Victory and in Him we are victorious!!!!!  Thank you Jesus!!! God Bless!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015


LOVE binds compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and forgiveness together. Bringing I Corinthians 13:4 alive in us. Love is the motive for all.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

God Has Promised All Of Us Something--Don't Give Up

God has promised all of us something. A lot of times, just like the Israelites, we look at that promise and it looks huge and we know we can’t do it ourselves. The thing is we can’t not believe God. The Israelites did and they didn’t get their promise. Why? Because not believing God is a sin. Verse 12 of Hebrews 3 tells us so. We all experience the little thoughts of doubt that come against our minds but we cast them down and don’t allow them to grow. We look at the things God has done in the past and encourage ourselves with those memories. The Israelites saw many awesome things that God did but cast those memories down instead of the disbelief they could enter the Promised Land.
God is not a liar and He can and will do what He has promised. Don’t allow yourself to disbelieve His Word to you or His written Word. That is an attack on His character, the same as calling Him a liar and putting Him right in there with satan, who God calls the father of lies.
We don’t live in the past we have to move forward always, but we never forget the things He has done that have gotten us where we are, realizing He is not going to stop until He gets us where He wants us and we have our promises fulfilled. God Bless!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

What They Don't Know Won't Hurt Them?

I have heard this so many times, "What they don't know won't hurt them".  I am sure many of you have as well, or have even said it, when someone wants to do something  they know they shouldn't because it will hurt someone.  For the purpose of this post we are going to refer to spouses but it holds true for any relationship.

After Christ, your relationship with your spouse should be the most guarded of all.  What does that mean?  The marriage relationship is a covenant relationship just like our relationship with God.  It should be esteemed higher than any other. The marriage covenant relationship was designed by God to be just like the covenant relationship with Him.  So the same principles should be followed.  God wants to be our only God and for you to  leave all other gods aside; like your spouse wants to be your only and for you to forsake all others.  Poppa God wants all our trust to be in Him and to know He can be trusted.  Spouses should be able to trust each other that way as well.  God says liars are from their father the devil, so lies have no place in our relationship with Him our in our marriages.  There is no such thing as a little white lie.  A lie is a lie.  Lies of omission are still lies.

No one likes to be lied to, yet at times, we ourselves will lie to someone we love and call it protecting them.  Justifying it by thinking it would hurt them too much to know the truth.  Though it may be true  they will be hurt, how much more when they find out you didn't tell them.  The hurt is then multiplied by feelings of betrayal.  And in some cases feeling like a fool because everyone knew except them.  God has said all things done in the dark will be revealed and shouted from the rooftops.  We can be sure that our secrets will be come out at some time. Sometime they are known and damage is done and you never know your loved one even knew.  Are you really ready for all that will come with it?  The loss of trust, and in some cases the loss of the marriage.

God can heal any problem that arises if both people are willing to allow Him to.  Sometimes, perspectives have to be changed for this to happen.  These same perspective changes can also eliminate the temptation to lie in the first place.  I will discuss a few of these in a future post.

God Bless,